When you attempt to shut down Windows XP, you’ll get a warning message telling you to shut down the currently running applications.The message is displayed for each and every running program. This is annoying and slows your computer shutdown process.
Won’t it be cool to tell XP to automatically kill all running programs without warning you when shutting down?
Note that the implementation of this tweak involves the manipulation of the Windows Registry.
Remember! If you use the registry editor incorrectly, you might cause serious problems that might require you to reinstall your operating system. Use the registry editor at your own risk. 1. [url=support.microsoft.com/kb/322756]Backup the registry file.[/url]
2. Click Start , click Run and type Regedit to open your Registry Editor.
3. Go to Start>>Run >> Regedit. This will open the Registry Editor.
4. Expand the Registry Editor tree and find the node HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop.
5. Edit the AutoEndTasks key so that it has a value of 1. If the key doesn’t exist, create it as a DWORD value and give it the value of 1.
6. Close the Registry Editor.
7. To disable this hack, either delete the AutoEndTasks key or set its value to 0.